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Revision History

SI# Ver# Modified By Update Updated On
1 3.4.3 Tech Team - Initial Version 23/05/2019

1. Introduction

Authentication is the process of verifying the Identity of a User. Businesses always have to authenticate the identity of a user before providing him access to their application or products/services.

Authentication happens in the form of :

Khoslalabs FaceAuth SDK provides the option of :

2. Solution Options

Khoslalab’s Face Auth Solution can be seamlessly integrated with client’s business application to authenticate user using Face with Liveness as biometric or to enroll a user with face liveness as Biometric.

FaceAuth Solution offers the following options :

FaceAuth SDK can be used for the purpose of enrolling a user that can be integrated with clients business application. This can be used in user Onboarding Flow, where the liveness of the user can be ensured and face image of the user can be captured.

FaceAuth SDK can be used for the purpose of Login/Authentication of a user, where in SDK can be integrated with clients business application. This can be used in user Authentication Flow, where the liveness of the user can be ensured and face image of the user can be captured for Authentication process.

Enrollment API can be used to capture an image and store in Veri5Digital Platform. FaceAuth-Login SDK then will capture the live user for authentication purpose and use this registered image as the reference data for comparison.

FaceAuth SDK Solution can be used in the following combination of different flavors:


2.1 FaceAuth - Enrollment SDK

Enrollment SDK can be integrated with clients business application and provides the following capabilities :

2.2 FaceAuth - Login/Auth SDK

Login SDK can be integrated with clients business application and provides the following capabilities :

2.3 FaceAuth - Enrollment API

Enrollment API is used to register a user with a unique user id passed by the client and the user face image against which authentication will be performed when user trying to login.

3. How to Integrate FaceAuth SDK

This section explains the steps to integrate KL’s FaceAuth SDK with client’s hosting application.FaceAuth SDK can perform as Enrollment SDK or Login/Authentication SDK.

Khosla Lab offers clients following environments :

3.1 Prerequisites

For a client to get access to SDK and do integration, client registration is mandatory.

Client has to obtain following values for following params :

For invoking initSDK Intent call client_code, api_key, and hash have to be mandatorily passed

3.2 SDK Integration ( Front End - Android )

Below mentioned are the steps to be followed for integrating FaceAuth SDK with client application.

3.2.1 Integrate FaceAuth SDK from maven repository

From the aadhaarbridge maven repository add the following code to build.gradle file.

Add the following dependency in client application’s project/build.gradle

allprojects {
            repositories {
            maven { url "" }
            maven {
                    url ""
                    credentials {
                    username '<<your username>>’
                    password '<<your password>>'
Add the following dependency in client application’s app/build.gradle

        packagingOptions {
        pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/'
        pickFirst 'lib/arm64-v8a/'
        abiFilters “arm64-v8a”, “armeabi-v7a”, “x86”, “x86_64”
        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary true
        renderscriptTargetApi 21
        renderscriptSupportModeEnabled true


3.2.2 Configure Dependencies repository

Modify build.gradle file to add the following dependencies. In ( Module : app ) - build.gradle add:

dependencies {
              implementation 'com.khoslalabs.faceauthsdk:base:<latest version>'
              implementation 'com.khoslalabs.faceauthsdk:faceauthsdk:<latest version>'

3.2.3 Initiation of SDK

Insert the below code snippet with proper values for place holders in your application to invoke KLs FaceAuth SDK.

- FaceAuthInitRequest.Builder faceauthInitRequestBuilder =

      new FaceAuthInitRequest


- FaceAuthRequestImage.getInstance().setFaceImage(faceImage);

//Applicable only for operation_code “LOGIN”’ , faceImage holds the user’s face image who should be authenticated and is already captured by the calling application.Authentication happens by comparing the faceImage against the live face which is captured by the SDK.

- myIntent.putExtra("init_request",;

FaceAuthInitRequest Parameter Details :

- <<your_client_code>> :

client_code that is assigned to you while onboarding.Please refer section Prerequisites.

- <<your_api_key>> :

api_key that is assigned to you while onboarding.Please refer section Prerequisites.

- <<your_operation_code>> :

operation_code is used to specify the purpose of SDK initiation. Possible values are “LOGIN” or “ENROLL”.
“LOGIN” - Indicates SDK Initiation is for Authentication Purpose.
“ENROLL” - Indicates SDK Initiation is for User Enrollment.

- <<your_user_id>> :

If operation_code is “LOGIN”’ , user_id indicates user_id of the user who has to be authenticated using the user face that is enrolled with KL System already either using ‘enroll’ API or FaceAuth SDK in ‘ENROLL’ mode.Please note that this is not a mandatory field and is applicable only in case user face is registered in Veri5Digital Platform.

If operation_code is “ENROLL”’ , user_id indicates user_id of the user who has to be enrolled and Face will be captured through the SDK.User will be enrolled with user_id and captured face image in KLs system.

- <<your_request_id>> : 

Should be a unique Alphanumeric String of max length 64 for each SDK initiation.

- <<your_salt>> :

salt for calculating hash of request payload and will be shared during onboarding.

- <<calculated_hash>> :

This is the dynamic param that should be calculated during each SDK invocation. Refer Appendix C for hash calculation logic.

- Intent myIntent = new Intent(`<<calling_activity>>`, FaceAuthInitActivity.class);

// calling_activity refers to the calling applications class where this snippet is embedded.

- myIntent.putExtra("init_request", faceauthInitRequest);

- startActivityForResult(myIntent,`<<your_init_request_code>>`);

// your_init_request_code refers to the unique code that calling application is passing while invoking FaceAuth SDK, and this will be used for retrieving the results that SDK is returning.

### 3.2.4 Init SDK Response

Response from SDK will be received via onActivityResult method of the activity that invoke KL’s SDK.

Client Application will receive following three parameters via onActivityResult method :

- requestCode : The unique code ( Integer ) that client has passed while invoking SDK

- resultCode : Signifies the status of the SDK processing

- intentData : An intent containing data that is passed from SDK.

If SDK process is a successful transaction, client will get a FaceAuthResult object in intent .

If SDK process is unsuccessful transaction,client will get appropriate error_code and error_message.

Code snippet demonstrates the same :

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
      if (requestCode == <your request code>) {

          if (resultCode == FaceAuthResults.RESULT_OK) {
              if (data != null) {
              // use the user id
              String userId = data.getStringExtra("user_id");
              String matchScore =
//faceauthResponse object contains response data of the SDK

    FaceAuthResponse faceauthResponse = data.
} else {
if (data != null) {
        // use the error code and error message
        String userId = data.getStringExtra("user_id");
        String error = data.getStringExtra("error_code");
        String message = data.getStringExtra("message");

3.3 API - enroll

The primary objective of this API to register users with Veri5Digital Platform with a User Id and User Face. This registered face image can be used as a reference image for User Authentication where User Face can be captured using FaceAuth SDK in LOGIN mode.

Method : POST

Url : https://<hostname>/face-auth/api/1.0/enroll

3.3.1 Request Payload

Please refer below Json for the request payload. Refer Appendix E for “headers” fields and description.

            "client_code": "<your_client_code>",
            "sub_client_code": "<your_sub_client_code>",
            "channel_code": "",
            "channel_version": "",
            "stan": "<a_unique_integer>",
            "client_ip": "",
            "transmission_datetime": "",
            "operation_mode": "SELF",
            "run_mode": "",
            "actor_type": "",
            "user_handle_type": "",
            "user_handle_value": "",
            "location": "",
            "function_code": "DEFAULT",
            "function_sub_code": "DEFAULT"


                  "hash":"",// Generated Hash of the response payload

3.3.2 Response Payload


    "response_data": {
    "User_id":"<unique user_id>",
    "location" : " "
    "registration_time":"" //enroll api calling time
"response_status": {
        "status": "<SUCCESS|FAIL>",
        "code": "",
        "message": ""

Appendix A: SDK Tech Specification

Recommended minimum tech specification for the smooth execution of Khosla Labs SDK to run on mobile devices is given below :

Mobile Operating System : Android 6 and above.

Camera Specification : 2 MP Minimum. 5 MP Front Camera ( > 30 fps ) with autofocus for optimal face capture.

Processor : Quad Core 2 GHz Clock Speed and above. Recommended 64 bit Octa Core for faster processing times.

RAM : Minimum RAM of 2 GB and 16 GB ROM (Recommended 4 GB RAM and 64 GB ROM).

Storage: 1 GB free storage space in the Phone for the SDK, Image Templates and Offline details to be stored (as per client requirements).

Lighting Condition: Capturing device should be placed in a reasonably lit environment for clear face and document capture. There should not be any reflection on the ID for accurate OCR extraction.

Network: Preferably 3G network and above for best results

Appendix B: SDK Major KPA

Khosla Labs has done an elaborate testing of the solution in a test control environment over a test data size of 200,000 sample data.

Following are key results -

Appendix C : Hash Generation

--> Initiate SDK Request : For InitiateSDK Intent call, use the following sequence for calculating hash.


--> Enroll API : In case client is using Enroll API, please use the following sequence for calculating hash.


Example(For _init request):

If your



hash =SHA-256(Hash-Sequence)

- Hash should be calculated using the following method:

Code snippet shows the sample code in Java for calculating hash.

private String calculateHash(String clientCode, String requestId, String apiKey, String salt) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
     MessageDigest digest;
     digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
     if (digest != null) 
          byte[] hash =
          (clientCode + "|" + requestId + "|" + apiKey + "|" + salt)
          return bytesToHex(hash);
return null;

private final static char[] hexArray ="0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();

public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {
int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);

Appendix D: Error Codes

Code Scenario Message
333 SDK There seems to be an unknown issue. Please try again later.
555 SDK Transaction cancelled!
888 SDK Please check your internet connection and retry.
240006 SDK Subscription info not found.
420001 FaceAuth api_key is mandatory.
420002 FaceAuth request_id is mandatory.
420003 FaceAuth user_id is mandatory
420004 FaceAuth Invalid client_code
420005 FaceAuth hash is mandatory.
420006 FaceAuth Operation Code is mandatory. No such user-id exists
420007 FaceAuth Txn Is is mandatory.Request Id is mandatory
420008 FaceAuth User Id is mandatory
420009 FaceAuth Hash validation failed
420010 FaceAuth Invalid Client Code.Operation code is mandatory
420011 FaceAuth User Id is empty
420012 FaceAuth User already registered
420013 FaceAuth user already registered
420014 FaceAuth invalid client code.
420015 FaceAuth Invalid Api Key.
420016 FaceAuth Invalid Operation Code.
420019 FaceAuth transaction_operation_code is mandatory
420020 FaceAuth client_code is mandatory
420021 FaceAuth User Id is empty
333 FaceAuth Unexpected Error Occured

Appendix E: Request Header Field Details

Below table details the header fields of the API request .Fields marked ( * ) are mandatory.

S.NO Field Name Description Example
1 client_code* A unique code assigned to a client while onboarding. client123
2 sub_client_code* Same as client_code if no special requirement is there. Its useful in case client needs any customization different application. client123
3 actor_type* Type of person who is making the request.If not relevant, "DEFAULT" can also be used. CUSTOMER
4 channel_code* Channel code used by the client to initiate the request. ANDROID_SDK
5 stan* System Trace Number - A unique number generated per request by the client. It is used to uniquely identify a request from a client. It can be used for troubleshooting. 98321892319
6 user_handle_type* Indicates the type of the user identifier, who has initiated the request. Eg: UUID, MSISDN, EMAIL. If not relevant, "DEFAULT" can also be used. EMAIL
7 user_handle_value* Value of user_handle_type.If not relevant, "DEFAULT" can also be used.
8 transmission_datetime* Time in System Milli Seconds at which the request was initiated by the client. 155325508029
9 run_mode* TRIAL - Indicates need for mock run of the transaction. No transaction posting will happen. REAL - Indicates the actual transaction posting request. If not relevant, "DEFAULT" can also be used. REAL
10 client_ip IP Address of the client device.
11 operation_mode* The way in which the request is executed. SELF - aadhaar holder doing the transaction. ASSISTED - where auth/ekyc is done in operator assisted mode. SYSTEM- where transaction is automated by system (batch processes). If not relevant, "DEFAULT" can also be used. SELF
12 channel_version* The version of the channel application like ANDROID_SDK. 3.1.7
13 function_code* Indicates default behaviour for this api. If API is called from SDK, then value will be “SDK” if it API call, then value will be “API” DEFAULT
14 function_sub_code Indicates default behaviour for this api. If userImage is not present in request, then value will be “DEFAULT”, else value will be “FACE_LOGIN” DEFAULT
15 request_id* Client generated Id for referencing the transaction uniquely. requestid123
16 user_id present in sdk response when user comes back to the client app. userid123
16 hash Hash to be calculated by the client to verify the integrity of the request. Please refer APPENDIX C to see how to generate the hash.
18 api_key* api_key shared with the client during onboarding. samplekey123

Appendix F : Proguard Rules

If the app requires obfuscation please add the below proguard rules in your app’s file.

Note :

Proguard is a delicate tool, make sure you test your app thoroughly after enabling it.

    #Preserve all annotations. 
    -keepattributes *Annotation*

    #Preserve R.*.* things.
    -keepclassmembers class **.R$* {
        public static <fields>;

    #Preserve things required for parcelable classes.
    -keepclassmembers class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
         public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator CREATOR;

    #Preserve serializable things.
    -keepclassmembers class * implements {
        static final long serialVersionUID;
        static final[] serialPersistentFields;
        private void writeObject(;
        private void readObject(;
        java.lang.Object writeReplace();
        java.lang.Object readResolve();

    # Preserve enums.
    -keepclassmembers class * extends java.lang.Enum {
        public static **[] values();
        public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

    # Preserve all .class method names.
    -keepclassmembernames class * {
        java.lang.Class class$(java.lang.String);
        java.lang.Class class$(java.lang.String, boolean);

    # Preserve all native method names and the names of their classes.
    -keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
        native <methods>;

    # Ignore support lib warnings.

    # Preserve support libs.
    -keep interface** { *; }
    -keep interface** { *; }
    -keep class** { *; }

    # Preserve khosla labs libs.
    -keep public class com.khosla.** { *; }
    -keep class com.khosla.faceauthapi.** { *; }