NAV Navbar
cURL JSON CodeSnippet

1. Introduction

Veri5Digital mSite Solution offers a mobile browser based solution that can be seamlessly integrated with clients business application to do the KYC processing of the user.

This document explains technical specification and steps to integrate mSite SDK with clients application. Sample code snippets are wherever applicable are available for reference.

2. Steps To Integrate mSite SDK

Clients should follow the below steps for integrating mSite SDK to client application.

  1. Client should get on boarded or registered with Veri5Digital Platform and get client credentials and other parameters required for integration.

  2. Health Status Check API - Clients can integrate health status check API to check whether UIDAI Website is up or down.

  3. Client Application should integrate mSite SDK.

  4. Integrate fetchKYCInfo API to retrieve the processed KYC Info

Veri5Digital Platform provides Sandbox Environment for Integration and Production Environment for actual production purposes.

Note :

2.1 Client Registration

For a client to get access to SDK and do integration, client registration is mandatory.

As part of registration , Client has to obtain values for following params for both Sandbox and Production Environments.

Note :

2.2 Health Status Check API

Client application can invoke this API before initiating SDK to check the status of service availability.This is applicable for WeDo only.

Client application should handle the scenario in case , UIDAI Service is down. API details are given below.

API Name : isUidaiUp

Method : POST

SandBox URL :

Production URL :

Request :

There is no specific request body as it is a Status Check API.

Response :

Based on the status of UIDAI availability, following are the response scenarios.

- Success Scenario

   "code": "000”,
   "status": "SUCCESS",
   "message": "UIDAI website is up"

- Failure Scenario

   "code": "390008",
   "status": "FAILED",
   "message": "UIDAI website is down"

2.3 How to integrate SDK in Client’s Application

Client should have received the credential information mentioned in Section 2.1 before start integration.

Clients application should invoke mSite SDK using the _initWebVIKYC API whose details are given below.

API Name : _initWebVIKYC

Method : POST

SandBox URL :

Production URL :

Given below are the details of the Request Payload of _initWebVIKYC request. Sample request follows the same.

2.3.1 Initiation of Veri5Digital mSite SDK

Inside client application’s mSite SDK has to be initiated using _initWebVIKYC API. This API should invoked from a client application’s form request.

Reference Code is given below.

Table : _initWebVIKYC API Request Body Parameters

Field Name Type Comments Example
client_code String, Mandatory Your client code received during onboarding a1b2c3
request_id String, Mandatory Unique transaction identifier Client app has to generate the same.For each request it should be unique.This is used for uniquely identifying the transaction. 12345678910111
api_key String, Mandatory Pre-shared api key controls the access to various Api’s. Api Key will be shared during onboarding.There will be separate api_key for SandBox and Production Environment. 1A3b5c7D910111
redirect_url String, Mandatory This should be a valid callback url exposed by the calling app. SDK will redirect the response on this URL with the status of the transaction, once SDK completes its execution.
hash String, Mandatory This should be a SHA-256 value of Hash Sequence defined for _initWebVIKYC request. Purpose of this is to ensure the integrity of the request. Refer Appendix B for hash generation logic. 9780cd0d2c e77eef8f649 42f54e0281 a0e220ff6bb cce0a03df27 a2b15575f58
stan String, Mandatory System Trace Number. This number is used to uniquely identify an api call initiated from the client.Stan is also generated by client. 98765432100000
otp_required String, Mandatory, Possible Values ( “Y'' or “N”) Specifies whether Mobile Number validation is required or not. Possible values are “Y” or “N”. If ‘Y’ then Veri5Digital Platform will generate an OTP and send to the mobile number.Then in SDK user will be presented with a page where he/she should enter the OTP. otp_required : “Y” Mobile number to which OTP has to be delivered should be specified as value to parameter ‘mobile’ and user will be taken to OTP Enter Page in the SDK for. otp_required : “N” If value is ‘N’ user will proceed directly to KYC options screen. Y
mobile String,Conditional If otp_required field is set to ‘Y’, pass mobile number in this field and is mandatory. If otp_required field is set to ‘N’, this field is optional. 8812345678

Sample Html Code for SDK Initiation

Below given code snippet demonstrates how to invoke the Veri5 Digital mSite SDK from a form in clients application.

<form method="post" action="<<SandBox URL>>">
<input type="text" name="client_code" value="<<Your Client Code>>" >
<input type="text" name="api_key" value="<<Your API Key>>" >
<input type="text" name="redirect_url" value="<<Callback Url>>" >
<input type="text" name="request_id" value="<<Unique Request Id>>" >
<input type="text" name="stan" value="<<Unique Stan>>" >
<input type="text" name="hash" value="<<sha256 hash value>>" >
<input type="text" name="mobile" value="<<registered mobile number value>>">
<input type="text" name="otp_required" value="<”Y” | ”N”>" >
<button type="submit">Proceed </button>
</form >

Points to Note

2.3.2 SDK Response Processing

On completion of mSite SDK processing, SDK response will be sent to the callback URL passed in _initWebVIKYC request as a redirection.

As a result of SDK execution “uuid”, which is a unique identifier will be generated. ‘uuid’ will be required for fetching the processed KYC info of the user later.

<a href="https://<callbackUrl>?requestId=<requestId>&userId=<userId>&uuid=<uuid>&hash=<hash>&status=<SUCCESS>"></a>

where in :

callbackUrl : Client specific URL passed in _initWebVIKYC request

requestId : Unique request id passed by calling application in _initWebVIKYC request.

userId : Unique Identifier generated by the SDK which is required later for

fetching processed KYC Info.

uuid : Unique Transaction Identifier generated by the SDK for the option selected.

hash : Hash of Init API Response.Refer Appendix B to see how to calculate the hash.

status : SUCCESS


<a href=https://<callbackUrl>?requestId=<requestId>&userId=<userId>&uuid=<uuid>&hash=<hash>&errCode=<error-code>&status=<FAIL>>

where in

callbackUrl : Client specific URL passed in _initWebVIKYC request

requestId : Unique request id passed by calling application in _initWebVIKYC request.

userId : Unique Identifier generated by the SDK which is required later for

fetching processed KYC Info.

uuid : Unique Transaction Identifier generated by the SDK for the option selected.

hash : Hash of Init API Response. Refer Appendix B to see for the hash logic.

errCode : Error Code that indicates the reason for failure.

status : FAIL


Refer to Appendix A for Error Codes & Description

Points to Note

2.4 Fetch KYC Request

On successful response from SDK is received, client application should invoke fetchKYCInfo API to retrieve the processed KYC info.

API Name : fetchKYCInfo

Method : POST

Sandbox URL :

Production URL :

Refer Appendix D for sample Angular Code Snippet that demonstrated invocation of fetchKYCInfo API request.

2.4.1 fetchKYCInfo API Request Details

Calling application should form the Request Payload in the following Json format.

Kindly note: Here "header" is block inside request body, it is not https header. JSON { "headers":{ "client_code":"<your client_code>", "sub_client_code":"<should be same as client_code>", "actor_type":"NA", "channel_code":"MSITE", "stan":"<System Trace Number>", "user_handle_type":"<>", "user_handle_value":"<>", "location":"", "transmission_datetime":"1533123525716", "run_mode":"REAL", "client_ip":"<your client_ip>", "operation_mode":"SELF", "channel_version":"0.0.1", "function_code":"REVISED", "function_sub_code":"DEFAULT" }, "request":{ "user_id":"<received in redirect browser url>", "api_key":"<api-key>", "hash":"xxxxxxxx", } }

Table : fetchKYCInfo API Request Body Parameters

Field Name Type Comments Example
client_code String,Mandatory Unique code assigned to a client.This will be assigned to the client during onboarding. client123
sub_client_code String, Not Mandatory Its useful in case calling client needs any customization different departments. subclient123
actor_type String, Not Mandatory Type of user who is making the request from the application. CUSTOMER or AGENT
channel_code String, Not Mandatory Channel code used by the client to initiate request. MSITE
stan String,Mandatory A unique number generated per request by the client. It is used to uniquely identify a request from a client and can be used for troubleshooting.Max length can be 64 characters long. 98321892319
user_handle_type String, Not Mandatory Indicates the type of the user identifier, who has initiated the request. Eg : UUID, MSISDN, EMAIL. EMAIL
user_handle_value String, Not Mandatory Value of user_handle_type. If user_handle_type is EMAIL, then user_handle_value is actual email.
location String, Not Mandatory Location of the device that initiated the request. Can be empty.
transmission_datetime String,Not Mandatory Time in System milli seconds at which request was initiated from client. 1553255080298
run_mode String,Not Mandatory Execution Mode in which transaction is being done.Possible values are REAL or TRIAL. REAL
client_ip String, Not Mandatory IP Address of the client device.
operation_mode String, Not Mandatory The way in which the transaction is executed.Example values can be “SELF”,”ASSISTED”,”SYSTEM” etc. SELF
channel_version String, Not Mandatory It can be Android SDK Version 3.1.7
function_code String,Mandatory Defines the behaviour of this api.Value should be ‘REVISED’ REVISED
function_sub_code String,Mandatory Indicates default behaviour for this api. If no customized behaviour requirements,then value will be “DEFAULT”
user_id String,Mandatory This is same as user_id passed on to client application as part of SDK response. userid123
hash String,Mandatory Hash to be calculated by client to verify integrity of request. Refer Appendix B for hash generation logic.
api_key String,Mandatory api_key shared with client during onboarding. samplekey123

Points to Note:

2.4.2 fetchKYCInfo API Response Details

fetchKYCInfo API Response Payload structure is given below :

Response Payload

Response Payload holds the following :

          “status” : ”<<status of API Execution>>”,
          “code” : ”<<status code of API Execution>>”,
          “message” :”<<message based on the status and code>>”
          “is_encrypted” :”<<YES|NO>>”,
          “kyc_info” :”<<base64 encoded KYC info>>”,
          “hash” : <<sha256 of hash sequence defined for fetch response>>

Response Payload Example :

Below given is an example for a successful response.

  "response_status": {
          "status": "SUCCESS",
          "code": "000",
          "message": "Kyc data fetched successfully"
  "response_data": {
          "is_encrypted": "NO",
          "kyc_info": "Base64 Encoded kyc_info block",
          "hash": "5eea1888a2920b6fddf25f6c12ec2aba5e7ce2bff6d9391c18fd1b2749a4ba47"
} Detailed Structure of kyc_info block

Details of kyc_info block of response payload is given below :

Case 1 : is_encrypted flag is “NO”

If encrypted is NO then kyc_info block is just base64 encoded. Client application should just decode the Base64 encoded kyc_info block to get the kyc data.By default value of is_encrypted flag will be ‘NO’.

Case 2 : is_encrypted flag is “YES”

This means client has chosen the option to have the kyc_info data to be encrypted.If encrypted is YES then base64 encoded kyc_info block is encrypted.

In this case client application should

Please refer to Data Decryption Sample Code to understand the requirements for decryption in case data encryption is chosen, ie if “is_encrypted” is “YES”.

kyc_info Data Structure

Structure of kyc_info block post decoding of Base64 encoded data is given below. Please refer the Json and table given below for more field level details.

There are mainly following blocks :

Points to Note :

// original_kyc_info tag encapsulates info extracted from the Original ID Document through OCR
                    "name":"John Doe",
                    // Value will be Input Mobile#, in case Mobile Validation flow is chosen and hash of input mobile# matches with hash of mobile present in UIDAI Aadhaar XML.
                    "dist": "",
                    "loc":"" ,
                    "pc":"" ,
                    "po":"" ,
                    "state":"" ,
                    "street":"" ,
                    "subdist":"" ,
                    "vtc":"" ,
// This tag encapsulates info that is declared or edited by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document
                    "name":"John Doe",
// Value will be Input Mobile#, in case Mobile Validation flow is chosen.
                            "document_image":"<Base64 encoded image>",
                            "live_image":"<base64 encoded image>"
                            "pan":"<Base64 encoded image>",
                            "aadhaar_front":"<Base64 encoded image>",
                            "aadhaar_back":"<Base64 encoded image>",
                            "passport_front":"<Base64 encoded image>",
                            "passport_back":"<Base64 encoded image>"

Table : kyc_info Field Information

Field Name Block Name Comments
address original_kyc_info Address info extracted from document as a result of OCR. Address info consists of all address fields as a single string.
gender original_kyc_info Gender Information extracted from document if available in document.
dob original_kyc_info Date Of Birth information extracted from document if available in document.
name original_kyc_info Name extracted from document if available in document.
father_name original_kyc_info Father Name extracted from document if available in document.
mother_name original_kyc_info Mother’s Name extracted from document if available in document.
expiry_date original_kyc_info Expiry Date extracted from document if available in document.
email original_kyc_info Email extracted from document if available in document.
mobile original_kyc_info Mobile number user input in client application. It’s an optional field. If no mobile number is given as input, value will be an empty string. Its present in original_kyc_block means hash of input Mobile# matches with mobile hash present in UIDAI Aadhaar XML in case document type is ‘AADHAAR’
doc_type original_kyc_info Specifies the type of the document.
document_id original_kyc_info Is the unique Document Identifier extracted from the document. For example, if doc_type is PAN then it will be PAN#. If doc_type is Aadhaar, it will be Aadhaar Number with first 8 digits masked.
dist original_kyc_info District info extracted from Address in case of Aadhaar XML.
house original_kyc_info House Name field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
loc original_kyc_info Locality field extracted from Aadhaar XML.
pc original_kyc_info Pincode field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
po original_kyc_info Post Office field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
state original_kyc_info State field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
street original_kyc_info Street field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
subdist original_kyc_info Sub District field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
vtc original_kyc_info Village/Town/City field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
country original_kyc_info Street field extracted from Address in Aadhaar XML.
verified_by original_kyc_info This is applicable in case of Aadhaar XML. Value will be “UIDAI” in this case.
verified_using original_kyc_info This is applicable in case of Aadhaar XML. Value will be “DIGITAL_SIGNATURE” in this case.
document_verification_status original_kyc_info In case the client has opted for verification of the Id doc against government database, this indicates the document verification status. Possible values are SUCCESS/FAIL. If this service is not opted value will be an Empty String.
document_verification_code original_kyc_info In case the client has opted for verification of the Id doc against government database, this indicates the document verification status. If this service is not opted value will be an Empty String.
document_verification_message original_kyc_info In case the client has opted for verification of the Id doc against government database, this indicates the document verification status. If this service is not opted value will be an Empty String.
address declared_kyc_info Address info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document. There is a review page where user can edit the info.
gender declared_kyc_info Gender Information info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document
dob declared_kyc_info Date Of Birth information info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document.
name declared_kyc_info Name info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document.
father_name declared_kyc_info Father Name info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document
mother_name declared_kyc_info Mother’s Name info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document
expiry_date declared_kyc_info Expiry Date info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document
email declared_kyc_info Email info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document
mobile declared_kyc_info Mobile number user input in client application. It’s an optional field. If no mobile number is given as input, value will be an empty string. Its present in declared_kyc_info means hash of input Mobile# does not match with mobile hash present in UIDAI Aadhaar XML in case document type is ‘AADHAAR’
doc_type declared_kyc_info Specifies the type of the document.
document_id declared_kyc_info Is the unique Document Identifier info that is declared by the user after reviewing data extracted from the Original ID Document For example, if doc_type is PAN then it will be PAN#. If doc_type is Aadhaar, it will be Aadhaar Number .
verified_by declared_kyc_info This is applicable in case of Aadhaar XML. Value will be “UIDAI” in this case.
verified_using declared_kyc_info This is applicable in case of Aadhaar XML. Value will be “DIGITAL_SIGNATURE” in this case.
document_verification_status declared_kyc_info In case the client has opted for verification of the Id doc against government database, this indicates the document verification status based on declared info. Possible values are SUCCESS/FAIL. If this service is not opted value will be an Empty String.
document_verification_code declared_kyc_info In case the client has opted for verification of the Id doc against government database, this indicates the document verification status based on declared info. If this service is not opted value will be an Empty String.
document_verification_message declared_kyc_info In case the client has opted for verification of the Id doc against government database, this indicates the document verification status based on declared info. If this service is not opted value will be an Empty String.
match_rate photo Face Match Confidence Percentage.
match_status photo Possible values are SUCCESS/FAIL/UNCERTAIN. If face match confidence rate is above True Positive (TP) threshold rate configured, then status will be SUCCESS. If face match confidence rate is below True Negative (TN) threshold rate configured, then status will be FAIL. If face match confidence rate is between True Positive (TP) Threshold and True Negative (TN) Threshold, then status will be UNCERTAIN.
document_image photo Base64 Encoded String of face image of the user that is extracted from document captured by SDK.
live_image photo Base64 Encoded String of Live Face captured by SDK for liveness check.
pan doc_image Base64 Encoded String of PAN Document captured by SDK.
aadhaar_front doc_image Base64 Encoded String of Aadhaar Front Document captured by SDK.
aadhaar_back doc_image Base64 Encoded String of Aadhaar Back Document captured by SDK.
passport_front doc_image Base64 Encoded String of Passport Front Page Document captured by SDK.
passport_back doc_image Base64 Encoded String of Passport Back Page Document captured by SDK.

Appendix A: Error Codes

Code Scenario/API Message
380118 _initWebVIKYC Mandatory data is missing
360022 _initWebVIKYC None/More entry exists for a client
360025 _initWebVIKYC Token does not exist for client
380114 _initWebVIKYC Session does not exist
380048 _initWebVIKYC Client doesn’t exist
380116 _initWebVIKYC Transaction does not exist
380117 _initWebVIKYC Invalid status
380091 _initWebVIKYC Invalid hash
360004 _initWebVIKYC Duplicate Request-id found
360015 _initWebVIKYC Invalid Value for OTP required field
380115 _initWebVIKYC Failed to find SDK ClientConfig ID
360005 _initWebVIKYC Unable to create SDK Session Info entity
380039 _initWebVIKYC Failed to create User Info
240006 _initWebVIKYC Subscription Info not found
380181 _initWebVIKYC You have exceeded your maximum OTP limit
380182 _initWebVIKYC Unexpected Error occured
380183 _initWebVIKYC UUID doesn’t exist.
380024 fetchKYC user_id is mandatory
380025 fetchKYC hash is mandatory
380026 fetchKYC api_key is mandatory
380048 fetchKYC Invalid api_key or client_code
380049 fetchKYC Invalid api_key or client_code
380091 fetchKYC Hash validation failed
380076 fetchKYC No such user-id exists
380114 fetchKYC Session does not exist.
380116 fetchKYC Transaction does not exist.
333 fetchKYC Unexpected Error Occured

Appendix B: Hash Generation

It is essential that there is a definitive protocol to verify the integrity of all the communication between Khosla Labs and Client.Hence for every request coming to KL Platform, client have to supply a hash which we will use as the first step of verification.

In return, all responses will also contain hash supplied by KL. You should not entertain any request at your callbackUrl if the hash does not match.

Hash Sequence is specified as follows(no space, no commas, no single/double quotes). Hash sequence is defined for each request and response.

Example(for _init request), If your
hash =SHA-256(Hash-Sequence)

For validation:

Appendix C: Customization Options

Following are the customization capabilities provided by the SDK.

User Details Page

SDK provide option to clients to configure whether they want to show User Details page ( Page where extracted Kyc data will be displayed ) as Last Page or not. You can inform the same to the Tech Support Team at the time of on-boarding, and flow will be configured for you accordingly.

Option Flow Customization

By default there are two options for the user :

  1. UIDAI_XML Do it for me
  2. UIDAI_XML I’ll do it myself

SDK provides the capability to customize the flow in such a way that user can enable either one of the options or both the option. By default both options will be enabled.

During onboarding and integration Client should inform Tech Support team the client's preference.

User Interface

The SDK provides capability to customize themes and styles pertaining to client requirements.Client has to give the following properties at the time of on-boarding for the customization requirements in the format as defined in the below JSON Text.

Web SDK also allows clients to configure color themes and styles as per below -

You need to share JSON Structure with values for each parameter. In case Json is not provided following default Json will be applicable.

Default Json
"--background": "white",
"--nav-color": "white",
"--nav-font-size": "24px",
"--nav-background": "#D52736",
"--resend-timer-color": "#3169ea",
"--btn-background": "#d52736",
"--btn-text-color": "#fab60f",
"--btn-font-size": "14px",
"--input-box-text-color": "#DE140305",
"--input-error-code-color": "#ff5833",
"--input-error-text": "14px",
"--card-heading-text-color": "#d52736",
"--card-heading-text-font-size": "24px",
"--card-text": "#777777",
"--card-font-size": "16px",
"--upload-bg-color" : "#dddddd",
"--upload-text-color" : "#000000",
"--upload-text-size" : "20px",
"--primary-text": "#777777",
"--primary-font-size-normal": "24px",
"--primary-font-size-heading": "32px",
"--secondary-text": "#d52736",
"--secondary-font-size": "32px",
"--tertiary-text": "#000000",
"--tertiary-font-size": "16px",
"--note-text": "red",
"--note-font-size": "16px",
"--verify-image-background": "white",
"--verify-font-size": "18px",
"--verify-font-color": "white",

Refer Customization Guide ( Customization_Offlinekyc.pdf ) for more details.

Appendix D: Code Snippet for fetchKycInfoRequest

Below code snippet demonstrates the AngularJS Code Snippet to invoke _fetch API and handle the response.

angular.module("myApp").controller('FetchController', function($scope, $http,$rootScope,$location){
$scope.hash=Sha256.hash( $scope.clientCode+ "|"+ $scope.userId+ "|"+ $scope.apiKey+"|"+$scope.salt);
$scope.fetchKYC = function() {
var request = {
"headers": {
"client_code": $scope.clientCode,
"sub_client_code" :'',
"channel_code" :'WEB_APP',
"stan" :(new Date().getTime().toString() + Math.random()).toString(),
"client_ip": 'NA',
"run_mode" :'TRIAL',
"actor_type": 'CLIENT',
"user_handle_type" :'',
"location": 'NA',
"function_code": 'REVISED',
"function_sub_code" : 'DEFAULT'
"request": {
    "user_id": $scope.userId,
    "hash": $scope.hash,
    "api_key": $scope.apiKey,
method: "POST",
url: "https://hostname/video-id-kyc/api/1.0/fetchKYCInfo",
data: request

Success Response Handler - Code that handles success response of fetchKycInfo

var svcSuccessHandler = function(data, status, headers, config) {
var kycData=JSON.parse(atob(data["response_data"]["kyc_info"]));
Success Response Handler - Code that handles success response of fetchKycInfo Request
var svcErrorHandler = function(data, status, headers, config) {

Appendix E: Data Decryption Process

This section demonstrates the process and sample code for implementation of decrypting kyc response in case client has opted for encryption of response data. Client has to : - Generate the Key Pair that consists of Public and Private Keys - Implement decryption Logic

Key Pair Generation Process

If client has opted for kyc data encryption, client should create the public-private key pair that will be used for encryption and decryption. Generated public key should be shared with KL.

SDK will encrypt kyc_data using the public key shared with KL. Client application should decrypt the response using the private key. This section explains the steps to generate the public-private key pair.

Steps to generate a CSR file using OpenSSL.

  1. Create private key with a validity

    keytool -genkey -alias ALIAS_NAME -keyalg RSA -keystore COMP_NAME.jks -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=COMMON_NAME,, C=IN OU=Khosla Labs, O=ORGANIZATION_NAME"

    Note :

    ALIAS_NAME can be replaced with any string of your choice.

    COMP_NAME can be replaced by your company name..

    CN : Should give a string value.This should be the same as the contact person’s name.

    EMAILADDRESS :Should give a string value. This should be some valid email id.Eg

    ORG_UNIT: Value should be “Khosla Labs”

    ORGANIZATION_NAME: This should be the same as the organization name.

  2. Create CSR for above key

    keytool -certreq -alias ALIAS_NAME -file COMP_NAME.csr -keystore COMP_NAME.jks

  3. Convert jks store to p12

    keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore COMP_NAME.jks -destkeystore COMP_NAME.p12 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12

  4. Get private key from .p12 file

    openssl pkcs12 -in COMP_NAME.p12 -nodes -out COMP_NAME.key -nocerts

  5. Self sign .csr file using the private key to get .cer file

    openssl x509 -req -in COMP_NAME.csr -signkey COMP_NAME.key -out COMP_NAME.cer

Provide us the .cer file (public key certificate) generated above using which KYC response will be encrypted and use .p12 (private key) for decryption.

Code Snippet : kyc_info Data Block Decryption

Below given is Java Code Snippet that can be used as a reference for decryption using your private key.

Snippet 1: Response Reading and Decryption

Below code will read the Base64 encoded response string returned by the API. First it will Base64 decoding and then followed by decryption using your private key.This uses few utility classes given in Snippet 2 and Snippet 3.

// byte array of the base64 decoded response
byte[] decodeResponse = <<base64_decode_response>>;

// open your p12 file
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("<<your_p12_file>>.p12");

// your keystore credentials
char[] keystorePassword = "<<your_keystore_password>>".toCharArray();
char[] aliasPassword = "<<your_alias_password>>".toCharArray();
String alias = "<<your_alias>>";

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC");
keyStore.load(inputStream, keystorePassword);

// get the private key
PrivateKey privateKey =

(PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(alias, aliasPassword);

ResponseByteArraySpliter splitter =

new ResponseByteArraySpliter(decodeResponse);

// get the symmetric key
byte[] sKey =

privateKey, splitter.getEncryptedSymmetricKey()

// byte array of the decrypted data
byte[] decryptedData =
    sKey, splitter.getEncryptedData()

Snippet 2 : ResponseByteArraySplitter Class.

// ResponseByteArraySplitter class
// Note: Please alter the access modifiers according to your packaging
// strategy.
public class ResponseByteArraySplitter {
private static final int SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE = 256;
private final byte[] encryptedSymmetricKey;
private final byte[] encryptedData;
public ResponseByteArraySplitter(byte[] data) throws Exception {
int offset = 0;
encryptedSymmetricKey = new byte[SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE];
offset = offset + SYMMETRIC_KEY_SIZE;
encryptedData = new byte[data.length - offset];
copyByteArray(data, offset, encryptedData.length, encryptedData);
byte[] getEncryptedSymmetricKey() {
return encryptedSymmetricKey;
byte[] getEncryptedData() {
return encryptedData;
private void copyByteArray(byte[] src,
int offset,
int length,
byte[] dest) throws Exception {

try {
System.arraycopy(src, offset, dest, 0, length);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Decryption failed, Corrupted packet!", e);
Snippet 3 : Decryption Util Class.
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.PKCS7Padding;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.PaddedBufferedBlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;

public class DecryptionUtil {
private static final String ASYMMETRIC_ALGO =


public static byte[] decryptUsingPrivateKey(

byte[] data)
throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
Cipher pkCipher = Cipher.getInstance(ASYMMETRIC_ALGO);
pkCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
return pkCipher.doFinal(data);

public static byte[] decryptUsingSymmetricKey(

byte[] symmetricKey,
byte[] data)
throws InvalidCipherTextException {
PaddedBufferedBlockCipher cipher =

new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(
new AESEngine(), new PKCS7Padding()

cipher.init(false, new KeyParameter(symmetricKey));
int outputSize = cipher.getOutputSize(data.length);
byte[] tempOP = new byte[outputSize];
int processLen = cipher.processBytes(


int outputLen = cipher.doFinal(tempOP, processLen);
byte[] result = new byte[processLen + outputLen];
System.arraycopy(tempOP, 0, result, 0, result.length);
return result;

Appendix F : GitHub Link For Sample Integration

Below is the github repository link of codebase of sample App integrated to our SDK and implementation of API.